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Showmanship Everyday Moments To Extraordinary Experiences | Faisal Choudhry | TEDxBethnal Green Road

Step back in time to 1854 when Elija Otis defied gravity on an elevator suspended by a single rope,  ...View More

The Art of Planning: Traversing Work-Life Balance | Candy Yang | TEDxNYUShanghaiSalon

In this TEDx talk, Candy Yang shares practical tips to avoid burnout from her role as an experienced ...View More

Human Connections: Being Real For Real | Kevin Richardson | TEDxNYUShanghaiSalon

In his talk, Kevin Richardson takes us on a transformative journey through his 35mm lens, sharing st ...View More

Five Core Values that Guided my Traversing Journey | Shuang Wen | TEDxNYUShanghaiSalon

In this talk, Wen Shuang shares how “Curiosity”, “Open-Mindedness”, “Persistence”, “Happiness”, and  ...View More

Dhananjay JNU Presidential Debate Speech || JNUSU Elections 2023-24 || Jhelum Lawn

samimasgoralijnu Dhananjay(United Left Panel): Presidential Debate Speech of JNUSU Elections 2023-24 ...View More

AISA | AISF | SFI | DSF | President Candidate Dhananjay | Presidential Debate JNUSU election 2024 |

AISA, AISF, SFI, DSF | President Candidate Dhananjay | Presidential Debate JNUSU election 2024 | #jn ...View More

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